
This company provides goods transportation services via various land, sea and even air media. Can include activities in the form of sending, receiving, storing and many more. 

Forwarding companies do not need to have vehicles to send their goods. This company utilizes delivery via plane, ship or car which is usually used to send goods like other delivery services but does not have its own vehicle. Part Maintenance

Schedule monitoring

This goods delivery schedule can be adjusted according to the arrival of the goods. Make sure the goods are sent first to avoid late delivery and make customers unhappy. An application that can help see this delivery schedule is SAP. Monitoring this schedule is an important initial step during delivery. Goods can be grouped by destination area to make it easier for couriers to deliver them.


The goods to be delivered are usually delivered directly by the employee on duty. Crewing can also be carried out for each region which has its own staff and to further reduce the area, each person has their own area of responsibility. In this way, it will be easier to monitor employees and can also be assisted by Beone Attandance.

Route management

Fast delivery is the first thing all customers want. It is estimated that the delivery will reach its destination correctly if the route it passes has no obstacles such as traffic jams and other traffic problems. If the courier correctly remembers the roads in the area then it will be safe, but if the courier is new to the area then this is something that must be prevented for customer satisfaction. This route can be seen via the Beone Tracker application.

Part Maintenance

All activities carried out by the forwarding sector can be regrouped in each delivery area and before the goods are sent, they are checked again before they are sent. Avoid sending wrong items or inappropriate areas. With the part maintenance process there is also a process to help facilitate delivery.

Fuel monitoring

Saat melakukan pengiriman barang ke tempat tujuan bahan bakar harus dicek menghindari mogok atau kehabisan bahan bakar saat ditengah jalan akan memperparah pengiriman yang semakin lama. Jika sewaktu-waktu bahan bakar habis kurir dapat menginformasikan ke manajemen dan dalam aplikasi Beone OCR dapat membantu aktivitas reimbursement.

GPS monitoring

Helping couriers deliver goods to their destination. The arrival time is faster if you choose a route that is easy to pass. Can also read the situation that occurs on the street and predict when the goods will arrive.