
A company engaged in infrastructure, physical facilities and infrastructure built for the needs of many people. Such as toll roads, bridges, skyscrapers and other large buildings. 

Construction companies have many types and various uses. Buildings that have various types of shapes must have very strict security, apart from that they must meet the standards set by various parties for mutual security. 

The choice of basic materials must not be arbitrary and must be in accordance with construction safety. Purchases of these materials must be obtained from trusted sources and delivery can be monitored to reduce fraud by either party.

Budget Project

Before starting a project, the company must manage how much budget it will spend to build a building. Usually this budget project requires an estimate of the price of the materials to build the project. This budget arrangement can be done in the SAP application and it has been accumulated according to the processes that will be carried out to get to the next step.

Project Management

When a project is in progress, it must be monitored how it develops every day, week, month to year to find out whether the building will be completed within the specified time. This process has several stages, namely planning, implementation, management and closing.

Waste management

This process reduces pollution of natural resources such as before clearing land for development. The waste produced must be able to reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce the detrimental impact on other people during the construction.

Stock control

When working on this project, stock must be monitored properly and with full calculation. If the development takes place in a place that is fairly easy to access, it is possible that the delivery of stock back will be fast, but if the development is carried out in a small town and access is difficult it will be difficult and take a long time, even more frightening is that the project will be delayed for several days waiting for stock. come. Avoid stock running out at inappropriate times. This stock monitoring can be carried out by the BOSS application.

Cost calculation

The project that is being carried out will definitely continue to release the budget until the project is completed. Monitoring this budget must be done carefully in case there is a budget that is being used but is not really needed. Apart from that, avoid exceeding the estimated budget at the beginning before working on the budget. Can be assisted with the SAP system.

Working crew

Large projects definitely require a large crew to make it easier for construction projects to be carried out easily. The number of crew working can be seen through Beone Attandance with the help of Face Recognition. The working crew can be divided into several sections to make it easier to divide work. The project will be completed quickly if all crews work together.


Activities where construction companies buy materials, equipment, production support machines and the services needed. This process helps the project run smoothly, the quality is good and the processing time will be slightly helped.

Prepare a budget

Financial processes that must be carried out before and after project work. Before working on a project, this budget is an estimate or preparing a budget for carrying out the project. If the project is already underway, this estimate will become a budget amount.

Purchase of goods, project monitoring, disease location

Care must be taken to purchase materials to create a building that is good and durable for use. Project monitoring must also be carried out carefully to avoid inappropriate or defective buildings. The location you want to build must also have a construction permit and ensure that the area is owned by the company.