TS Plus

The Best and Most Complete Remote Access Software

TSPlus Remote Access alternatif ideal untuk Citrix dan Microsoft RDS untuk akses desktop jarak jauh dan pengiriman aplikasi Windows. Coba gratis sekarang dan dapatkan potongan diskon hingga 20%!

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A complete range of Remote Access Software for IT Professionals

We make it easy for you to run applications remotely, access your desktop, provide support, and more… without breaking the bank.

Remote Access and Web Application Portal

The best value-for-money and simplest remote access alternative to Citrix and RDS.

Cybersecurity for Windows Servers

A complete tool to prevent cyber attacks on your IT infrastructure and stop intruders.

Remote Assistance and Screen Sharing

Cloud-based software that is ideal for providing attended/unattended assistance to remore clients.

Monitoring & Reporting for Remote Servers

Track your server and website health in real-time to troubleshoot problems faster.

Why TSPlus Remote Access?

Our software suite covers a wide range of remote access needs.
Dan semuanya memiliki nilai yang sama.


Remote access solutions don't have to be expensive. Reduce your IT costs and focus on what matters most


Our license is perpetual and will not expire. Once you purchase TSplus software, you own it. Forever.

Quick to implement

Save you money and time with a fast deployment process.


Our software is always updated with the latest security standards to keep your servers protected.

User friendly

Find all the features and tools you need, centered in a multilingual and easy-to-use user interface.


We successfully provide solutions for large and well-known companies. No challenge is too big.

Our Mission

Sebagian besar solusi akses jarak jauh, cybersecurity dan screen sharing sangat mahal dan rumit untuk sebagian besar usaha kecil dan menengah yang dapat membuat mereka rentan terhadap ancaman keamanan, mengurangi produktivitas, dan berisiko memperlambat laju bisnis ketika mereka harus terus maju.


Inilah alasan kami berpegang teguh pada satu prinsip utama, yaitu memastikan bahwa aplikasi dan data di seluruh dunia aman dan mudah diakses, kapan saja dan di mana saja. Melalui perangkat atau jaringan apa pun, kami menjamin kemudahan ini tanpa membebani anggaran Anda.

Has been trusted by more than 500 thousand companies

Buy Once, Use Forever

Perpetual and Affordable Licences

Desktop Edition

  • Remote Desktop Access
  • Application Delivery
  • Remote Printing
  • ADD-ON Advanced Security Essentials
  • ADD-ON Server Monitoring - 1 server
  • ADD-ON Remote Support - 1 year

Dapatkan Free Trial & Diskon Hingga 20% sekarang

Form [Produk]: TSplus Remote Access

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a Free Trial?

Yes, we offer a full-featured 14-day free trial.

Is the license permanent?

Yes, our license is permanent!

On how many servers can I install the license?

One license (Edition or Bundle) is valid for only one server.

If you need to use this software on multiple servers, you will have the opportunity to select the number of licenses on the checkout page.

Note: In this case, most of our customers choose Enterprise Edition or Enterprise Edition PLUS which includes farm manager and gateway features to easily access and manage their server farm.

Does the price include Updates and Support services?

No. Once you select an Edition on this page, you will be asked if you want to add Update and Support services.

The fee for this service is a percentage of the license price.

– One year: 21% of the license price
– Two years: 18% of the license price
– Three years 15% of the license price

Therefore, we recommend choosing 3 years to maximize your savings in the long run.

Why should I buy TSPlus from Beone Solution?

Beone Solution is one of the official distributors of TSPlus with the best support.

Still have questions?